I realise my blog has very little write-up. More of a pictorial blog? I would love to write more, if I have the time, but juggling between kids, bento & work.. I am left with very little me-time :S
Girl has no school today, and meant to do just a bento for Cay, and since it's just for him, I decided to make him a Pokeball bento.
But, the poor thing was down with a slight fever last nite, and didnt have appetite. The girl ended up eating this instead =)
Wanted to use crabstick for the red part of the pokeball initially, but saw red pepper when i was over at the supermart and decided to use that instead, much much healthier choice.
I am thankful girl is a rabbit.. meaning she loves loves vege. It was quite a heap of diced capsicum there, no seasoning, simply diced and sauteed with a little olive oil.